"Flight" Exhibition
Official Opening : July 30, 2022 – By Invitation Only.
Runs until December 23, 2022 – By Appointment.
Official Opening : July 30, 2022 – By Invitation Only.
Runs until December 23, 2022 – By Appointment.
Official Opening : July 30, 2022 – By Invitation Only.
Runs until December 23, 2022 – By Appointment.
Wolfgang Engel and Tina Cooper have been working with hot glass for over 32 years and their art glass work has been sold all over Australia and Europe.
Wolfgang’s personal and professional alliance with Tina started with their first collaboration together for the foyer of the Ramada Hotel in Hervey Bay, in 2009. Wolfgang moved to the Sunshine Coast 12 years ago and worked alongside Tina in her main Galleries in Eumundi, demonstrating his talents blowing glass on the hot flame.
Recently the couple opened a private, exclusive studio and gallery in Montville and have not looked back. Wolfgang is running ‘The Red Door’ Glass Studio/Gallery alongside the Tina Cooper Art Glass Gallery.
Their upcoming exhibition, ‘A Bug’s Life’, is inspired by the beauty of Mother Nature. Wolfgang creates his art glass and sculpture very close to the “real thing” but with a little twist of his own imagination.
“‘A Bug’s Life’ was inspired by the story of a little caterpillar called ‘Jenny Lala’,” Tina explained. “I wrote the story after seeing a new piece Wolfgang had created, of a praying mantis in glass. “I asked Wolfgang to make me a cute caterpillar that sat on a branch looking at the praying mantis and imagining the caterpillar talking her way out of being eaten,” Tina said.
Tina decided to name this cute insect after one of their collectors, so Jenny LaLa got her name. “That’s how the story started, with this cute bug going through life meeting insects and making a difference along the way,” said Tina. “Jenny Lala can talk her way out of any situation, using wit and diplomacy to stay alive”.
‘A Bug’s Life’ Exhibition is a continuation of the most recent and very successful exhibition, ‘The Honey Ant Collection’. Honey ants will be part of ‘A Bug’s Life’ as well as Jenny Lala the caterpillar, the praying mantis, dragonflies, birds, bees and more. Some of the bugs will be on wood and Tina Cooper glass, held in beautiful glass domes to protect their delicate state.
Tina Cooper Glass Gallery, this work can be viewed by appointment only. Phone 0417 194 329 or go to www.tinacooper.com
Tina Cooper and Wolfgang Engel are teaming up for the Bug’s Life exhibition, example piece above
September 28, 2020 to June 30, 2021
By Appointment Only.
This interesting and beautiful insect can teach us that we can make our own Honey, living in harmony with our surroundings and creating a happy space for us and others. Mother Nature has given us a chance to turn wrong into right. Recording History as it unfolds is a deep desire of Tina when she creates her work.
The Honey Ant has also meaning and value for the indigenous Population of Australia and America. Connecting with old and wise cultures is a constant part of Tina’s Art.
Opening Night – 26th June 2021
Public – 27th June to 31st August 2021
By Appointment Only.
Jonathon Westacott’s artwork captures the essence of Australia’s wilderness.
He travels to remote and wild places, capturing our natural heritage through drawing and photography. This experience is brought back to the studio to become the compositions he carves into his glass vessels. Jonathon’s detailed drawings capture what we are fast losing in a world where urbanisation is prioritised over our natural environment. The glass provides the optimal medium to archive our diminishing flora and fauna potentially recording ‘this’ moment for 1000’s of years.
Each piece is unique and original, taking several weeks to complete and this exhibition is the culmination of the last 2 years work.